Monday, October 28, 2019

Schaumburg Criminal Lawyer

When marijuana sales become legal in Illinois next year, it will remain illegal to drive while high. But police say they still won’t have the tools to enforce laws against stoned driving the way they’d like.
Law enforcement officials expect a significant increase in the number of people driving after smoking pot. While patrol officers can use Breathalyzers to help check whether people are driving while drunk, they have no approved roadside test to see whether drivers are stoned. #THCdetection, #drugdetectionDUIarrests,

Friday, October 25, 2019

Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer

Prior to 2019, spousal maintenance (also known as alimony) payments were tax-deductible for the payor spouse and not included in gross income calculations.  Conversely, the recipient spouse was obligated to include maintenance payments when calculating gross income, thereby making maintenance taxable income for the recipient.  Under the new law, the tax burden of maintenance payments has shifted from the recipient spouse to the payor spouse.  This will likely lead to lower alimony payments, as the obligor spouse will now pay taxes on maintenance money twice; once via taxes taken out by his or her employer, and again when gross income is calculated and taxed.  Payor spouses are more likely to fight for lower payments because there is no longer a tax incentive for maintenance, which may lead to longer and uglier divorces. #Illinoisspousalmaintenancelaw, #alimony, #alimonynotdeductible,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Adoptive Parent

A person will not be approved as an adoptive parent if he or she or an adult residing in the adoptive parent's home has a felony conviction for any of the following offenses or their equivalents: Child abuse, child neglect, or an intra-family offense. A crime against children, including child pornography. #adoption, #adoptive parent,

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Schaumburg DUI Lawyer

Typically, Illinois DUI law prohibits drivers from operating a motor vehicle if they have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. This is the legal limit, and drivers who have a higher BAC are presumptively considered to be driving under the influence of alcohol.
However, individuals who have a CDL face a lower legal limit in the state of Illinois. Instead of being deemed under the influence with a BAC at or above 0.08%, CDL holders who are driving their commercial vehicles are considered inebriated if their BAC is 0.04% or above.

Friday, October 4, 2019

New Illinois Pet Custody Law

The New Illinois Pet Custody Law does provide for the sole or joint ownership of and responsibility for a companion animal of the parties, but only if that companion animal is a “marital asset” of the parties’ marriage. What does that mean? If the Pet was acquired during the marriage and not a gift to one party or the other, the Pet is presumed to be a marital asset.
On the other hand, if the Pet was owned by one spouse before they were married, or was gifted or inherited by one spouse then the New Illinois Pet Custody Law does not apply. #newillinoispetcustodylaw, #petsandmaritalproperty,#schaumburgdivorcelawyer,

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Illinois lawmakers this fall will consider banning most flavored vaping products, following recent restrictions that some other states have enacted amid concerns about the safety of vaping and its allure to young people.