Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Child Neglect

 Child neglect is the failure of a parent or caretaker to meet “minimal parenting” standards for providing adequate supervision, food, clothing, medical care, shelter or other basic needs. If you suspect abuse or neglect you have a social responsibility to report it to the hotline. #childneglect,

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

CDL Disqualification

 While a sentence of court supervision may be a favorable sentence for an average driver in Illinois, it is not acceptable for a CDL holder. For most traffic violations, the Illinois Secretary of State will treat a sentence of court supervision as if it were a conviction. In other words, court supervision will not necessarily prevent the disqualification or suspension of your CDL. In fact, court supervision will not prevent the ticket from appearing on your public driving record even if you were in your personal vehicle at the time of the offense. Under Illinois law, a CDL driver is disqualified from operating a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) if while driving a CMV they either commit two “serious traffic violations” within a three-year period or commit three such violations within a three-year period. #CDL, #CDLdisqualification,

Friday, October 9, 2020

Jury Nullification

 Jury nullification in the United States has its origins in colonial America under British law. In the United Statesjury nullification occurs when a jury in a criminal case reaches a verdict contrary to the weight of evidence, sometimes because of a disagreement with the relevant law. The American jury draws its power of nullification from its right to render a general verdict in criminal trials, the inability of criminal courts to direct a verdict no matter how strong the evidence, the Fifth Amendment's Double Jeopardy Clause, which prohibits the appeal of an acquittal, and the fact that jurors cannot be punished for the verdict they return. #jurynullification,

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Modification of Child Support

 An order for child support is eligible for a modification review every three years, or when there is a significant change in the needs of the child or the non-custodial parent's income. Before a case can be submitted for modification, a review is conducted to verify balances, non-custodial parent's employment status and other pertinent information.

Please keep in mind that the attorney presenting the case in court must be able to prove the non-custodial parent's ability to pay. If not, it is possible that the support payment may be lowered. #childsupport, #modificationofchildsupport,