Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Aggravated Speeding

Current Illinois law groups speeding offenses into two primary categories – petty and misdemeanor offenses. Speeding 26 or more over the posted limit is charged as a misdemeanor offense, which qualifies as a crime under Illinois law.
Misdemeanor speeding offenses are most often referred to as “Excessive Speeding” or “Aggravated Speeding”. Aggravated/Excessive Speeding is further divided into two categories based on the speed – Class B Misdemeanors (26-34 mph over the limit) and Class A Misdemeanors (35+ mph over the limit).

Aggravated speeding is charged under Illinois Vehicle Code 625 ILCS 5/11-601.5. The penalties range from court supervision and a fine to more severe penalties such as jail time and a criminal conviction on your public record. #aggravatedspeeding, #marderandseidler, 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Who Pays For Summer Camp

In some cases, summer camps are considered necessities because they function as day care hours. With these types of cases, the cost of a child attending summer camp must be split between the child’s parents. To do so, these types of expenses are calculated as a part of the basic child support award. The amount is determined by the tuition rates of the camp as well as the frequency in which the child will attend in the future.
In other cases, summer camps are considered extracurricular activities, meaning the camp does not take the place of daycare or any other form of childcare. In these types of situations, the child’s parents should discuss the costs of camp and determine how the expenses should be split and paid. If parents cannot come to an agreement, it is wise that they speak with an experienced divorce lawyer to avoid going to court over add-on reimbursement occurrences. #schaumburgdivorcelawyer,

Monday, February 17, 2020

Loss of Driver's License

A suspension is the temporary loss of driving privileges for a specified period of time. At the end of the period of suspension a person is automatically reinstated upon payment of the required reinstatement fee. A revocation is the indefinite loss of driving privileges. There is no ‘automatic’ reinstatement even after the period of revocation ends. Instead, a person becomes 'eligible' for reinstatement and cannot drive until first appearing at a hearing before the Secretary of State and being granted driving privileges. The minimum period of revocation (before a person becomes eligible to be considered for reinstatement) can depend on such factors as the nature of the offense that caused the revocation and the person's driving record. #driverslicensesuspension, #driverslicenserevocation, #driverslicense reinstatement, #secretaryofstatedriverslicensehearings,

Friday, February 14, 2020

Bail Bonds

Under the 2017 Bail Reform Act, people charged with nonviolent misdemeanors or low-level felonies are presumed to be eligible for release without posting bail. Instead, judges can order them to wear electronic monitors, enforce curfews or impose a number of other restrictions that apply until their cases are resolved. #bailreformact, #bailbonds, #postingbail, 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Grounds For Divorce

llinois no longer recognizes "grounds" for divorce. There is only one option: "irreconcilable differences." Irreconcilable differences needs little definition.  Technically, to be granted a divorce, one must prove:
  1. irreconcilable differences have caused the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage;
  2. past efforts at reconciliation have failed, and
  3. future efforts at reconciliation would be impracticable and not in the best interests of the family. #groundsfor divorce, #schaumburgdivorcelawyer, #marderandseidler,

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

New Traffic Fines

Effective January 1, 2020 the fines for illegally passing school buses will double, from $150 to $300 for an initial violation and from $500 to $1,000 for a subsequent violation.Vehicles need to slow down, change lanes and proceed with caution when approaching disabled vehicles or emergency vehicles on the side of the highway. Starting Jan. 1, the fines for violating Scott's Law increase to $10,000.
The maximum penalty for hitting a construction worker in a marked work zone increases from $10,000 to $25,000. #trafficfines,

Monday, February 3, 2020


Paternity suits to establish the existence of the father-child relationship may be filed until the child turns 20 years old.  Actions to declare the non-existence of a parent-child relationship must be filed within two years after the father obtains knowledge of the relevant facts. #paternity, #statuteoflimitationsinpaternitycases,