The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday moved to continue the pandemic-related protection, which had been scheduled to expire on Wednesday. The moratorium is now extended through the end of June.The moratorium, initially put in place last year, provides protection for renters out of concern that having families lose their homes and move into shelters or share crowded conditions with relatives or friends during the pandemic would further spread the highly contagious virus, which has killed more than 545,000 people in the United States.To be eligible for the housing protection, renters must earn $198,000 annually or less for couples filing jointly, or $99,000 for single filers; demonstrate that they’ve sought government help to pay the rent; declare that they can’t pay because of COVID-19 hardships; and affirm they are likely to become homeless if evicted. #banonevictions, #evictions,
Monday, March 29, 2021
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Prenuptial Agreements
In Illinois, prenuptial agreements must be in writing and signed by both parties in order to be enforceable. Prenuptial agreements can include provisions detailing the division of assets if the relationship breaks down and ends in divorce. Both parties must voluntarily sign the prenuptial agreement. #prenuptialagreements,
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Client Escrow Account
The attorney has a duty to keep the client's funds or property secure and separate from the attorney's (and from the firm's) own funds and property. Second, the attorney must notify the client of the receipt of any funds or property intended for the client. Finally, the attorney must provide a full accounting of all client funds or property, if asked to do so, and usually as a standard step in the termination of the attorney-client relationship #clienttrustaccount, #clientescrowaccount,
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Child Support
Illinois has guidelines for child support. To calculate the amount of guideline child support, the court looks to the net income of both parties, determines the number of overnights each parents spends with the child, and then calculates the guideline child support based on a formula issued by the State. Generally speaking, the court will not consider a new spouse’s income when calculating guideline child support. #childsupport,
Friday, March 5, 2021
Moratorium On Evictions
In late February, the Illinois Supreme Court approved new temporary orders in response to an anticipated surge in evictions when state and federal eviction moratoriums come to an end.
Currently, the moratorium on eviction cases in Illinois expires on March 6; federal protections for renters lapse on March 31. Over 20,000 evictions are predicted in Chicago alone once Governor JB Pritzker’s moratorium is lifted, according to a forecast by the Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing and the Center for Urban Research & Learning at Loyola University. The first order authorizes Illinois judicial circuits to establish early resolution programs to allow for alternative dispute resolution in eviction cases. Circuits are encouraged to develop their own Eviction Early Resolution Programs using resources from Illinois Courts, including a new form suite from the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice titled Orders in Eviction Cases. #evictions, #moratoriumevictioncases,
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
3 New Illinois Laws for 2021
- Non-moving violations no longer result in the loss of a driver's license (SB 1786)
- Drivers involved in an accident that results in injury while using a phone are subject to a minimum $1,000 fine and could have their licenses revoked (HB 2386)- Public school students will learn about the roles and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community, and middle schoolers now receive a semester of civics education (HB 246/HB 2265) #newIllinoislaws,