Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Eliminate Cash Bail

The Illinois Supreme Court upheld a measure on Tuesday eliminating cash bail in the state, finding that Democratic legislators acted properly when they passed the law, which will transform the Illinois criminal justice system and limit judges’ ability to hold defendants in jail before trial.

The Illinois law, which went beyond similar bail overhauls in other states, was part of a national push to reduce jail populations and end a system in which wealth can determine whether a defendant returns home to await trial. But it infuriated many county prosecutors and sheriffs, who asserted that the law was passed improperly and made the state less safe.

In its ruling on Tuesday, the Supreme Court said cash bail would end in Illinois on Sept. 18. Cash bail has been widely used for decades. Rather than sit in jail waiting for a trial that may not begin for months, a defendant is allowed to deposit money with the court and remain free. But if they fail to show up when they are supposed to, the defendant risks losing that money. #cashbail, #schaumburgcriminallawyer, #schaumburgcriminalattorney, #criminallawyernearme, #24hourcriminallawyer,

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Squatters Law

Squatters law states the required timeframe needed for a squatter to claim adverse possession. In Illinois, this timeframe is not less than 20 years, during which time the squatter must live on the property permanently. Temporarily vacating the property will nullify the continuous possession claim.#criminallawyerschaumburg, #schaumburgcriminalattorney, #criminallawyernearme, #schaumburglawyer, #schaumburgattorney,

Friday, July 7, 2023

Child Support/Health Insurance

The new child support laws in Illinois in 2022 require that the parents purchase or maintain health insurance for the child or children when dealing with a child support matter. This mandate is in effect whenever the parents deal with child support, such as a part of a divorce or a child custody case. #childsupport, #childhealthinsurance, #divorcelawyerschaumburg, #divorceattorneyschaumburg, #divorcelawyernearme,

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Second Chance Program

The second chance program is designed for first-time offenders who are willing to take responsibility for their conduct and want to keep a felony conviction off their record. If the defendant completes the program, the charges are dismissed with prejudice.  Those who have previously been convicted (i.e. probation or conditional discharge) of any felony offense are not eligible for this sentence. In addition, this sentence is not available for violent offenders or defendants who have previously plead guilty or who have been found guilty of a violent offense. Second Chance Probation may be offered to defendants charged with certain probationable felony offenses such as possession of a controlled substance, possession of cannabis, theft, retail theft, and criminal damage to property. If successful, the court will discharge the defendant and dismiss the proceedings. The defendant may be eligible for expungement of the arrest after 5 years. #secondchanceprobation, #criminallawyerschaumburg, #criminalattorneyswchaumburg, #criminallawyernearme,